This year, I've been using a slightly unusual format for one of these journals: Instead of writing in the date as I write, I noted 366 dates on every page, so when I'm going to write, I just find the day's date and note the year. The idea is that if I am good and keep up with this journal for at least another year or two, I'll get to see each day what I was up to/thinking about/praying about in the previous year.
Even when I'm not writing in this journal, I enjoy looking back to see what was going on a year ago or five years ago or however many years ago, today.
Today is an amusing day in my mind, as far as comparison by year is concerned:

June 1, 2014 -- Mom and I are flying to California for a mom-daughter trip, ending with the wedding of two of my friends: Sam and Sarah.

(Here's one of Sarah and me, pretty close to when we first met, which wasn't too long after Sarah and Sam had first met, to my knowledge. I think I met Sam the summer this photo was taken, though I didn't really get to know him until the following year.)

May 26, 2012 -- My family and I drove out to California to attend Joy's wedding. Joy is Sarah's older sister, and during the wedding reception, I happened to chat both with Sam and his older sister, Jessica, who was pregnant at the time. (Joy and her husband just announced this week that the baby they're expecting in October is a boy!)
Anyway, I think there are some amusing connections there. :) Do you remember what you were up to right about now this time in a previous year?