Monday, April 8, 2013

Update on Gavin / Prayer Request

It looks like things are going to be picking up again concerning my now 4 1/2 -month-old cousin, Gavin.  To keep things simple, here's what Mom just posted on Facebook:

"Dear friends & family,

Thank you all for the prayers & love poured out for Jessilyn & Gavin in the past months.  

Today Ron, Jessilyn's dad/my biological father, called hoping we had Gavin again or knew where he is.  Since Jessilyn got out of jail mid-March, she's been in touch with her other two children whom Ron & his wife, Deb, have had guardianship over for a few years.  Jess hasn't contacted them since April 3 so Ron made some calls & found Jess violated her parole & has been back in jail since April 3.  I've contacted the couple friends of Jessilyn that I have contact info for & am waiting to hear back from one.  We believe that if Jessilyn had Gavin when she was picked up on April 3, Gavin may have been placed in Utah's foster care system.  

We are praying that though it seems impossible, God would open doors for us to at least take care of Gavin, adopt him, if that's what's best for Gavin & is God's will.  Most of all, we are praying for Gavin's safety & for Jessilyn to turn to God for salvation.  Our Christian lawyer/friend talked with a judge in UT; since Gavin's a UT resident & we aren't, our hands are tied at this point.  Hopefully the fact Jess asked us to care for Gavin for the months she was in jail & gave us power of attorney will help.  With God ALL things are possible!  We desire His perfect will above all.

Please pray with us for Gavin & Jessilyn.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
